User guideΒΆ

Network-Runner can be called directly via python API. This section will show an example of end users could import the network-runner API and execute switch level network configuration.

  1. In a python environment import the network-runner api module.

    from network_runner import api
  2. Create a Host object and create an Inventory object adding the host object to the inventory object. Then instantiate the NetworkRunner class.

    from network_runner.models.inventory import Inventory
    from network_runner.models.inventory.hosts import Host
    host = Host(name='testhost',
    inventory = Inventory()
    net_runr = api.NetworkRunner(inventory)
  3. Call functions that configure the switch.

    hostname = 'testhost'
    vlan = 37
    port = 'xe-0/0/7'
    t_vlans = [3,7,73]
    # Create a vlan
    net_runr.create_vlan(hostname, vlan)
    # delete a vlan
    net_runr.delete_vlan(hostname, vlan)
    # Configure an access port
    net_runr.conf_access_port(hostname, port, vlan)
    # configure a trunk port
    net_runr.conf_trunk_port(hostname, port, vlan, t_vlans)
    # delete a port
    net_runr.delete_port(hostname, port)